Cellphones can help as well as harm us
0May 14, 2015 by jresendiz
Like in Lily Mae’s online article, which points out the positive and negative impacts that cell phone use has on everyday life, mobile technology has been able to advance. But at the same time it hinders the public society by allowing the convenience of a “mobile computer” to calculate everyone’s problems instead of them doing it by themselves. Cell phone use has benefited as well as caused harm to our current generation from it’s various apps. Whether being used as a form of information or being used as a distraction, Cell phone use has affected our society by giving everyone a benefit or even by harming us.
Mobile technology has allowed easy access to information such as weather reports, history on a historic figure, or a demonstration video on how to do certain techniques.For example, if a professional tennis player wants to insure that the weather conditions are safe to play tennis in, all he has to do is get on his phone and look up a weather report. Cell phones have sped up today’s life by showing quick information at the tap of a few buttons. Thus, cell phone use has benefited everyday life by allowing easy access to news as well as info.
On the other hand, Coll phone use has damaged today’s world by causing a distraction to action that require focus such as driving and doing homework. In addition, a teenage girl is driving down the highway when her best friend sends her a text message. Rather than ignoring it and watching the road, she answers her friend with another message. Yet when she looks up, she notices she is in a head on collision course with a semi truck much larger than her smart car. Most people in our generation begin to stop understanding the consequences of not paying attention to something of importance, and would rather check their social media.
Cell phones have greatly impacted the human life since it’s invention, and to this date are becoming more powerful by the second. They have affected us positively by providing us quick and easy info. But also have bit us in the back by causing us to be distracted from many high focus actions.
Category ELA Writing Portfolio | Tags: English 1
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