How to deal with extreme emotions
0May 14, 2015 by jresendiz
Juan Resendiz
English 1-4
How to Deal with extreme emotions
Like in Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night, Elie becomes traumatized as he is forced to witness the scarring scene of his father being kicked in the stomach as he watches in paralysis, leading to fear and shock. Although most people haven’t been forced to live through the Holocaust, extreme emotion can result from an action that could have happened to anyone in the average human’s world. But why is it important to deal with extreme emotion? Dealing with these emotions is important because it gives immunity towards that emotion and can restore one’s inner happiness.
What most people do not realize is that experience with dealing with extreme emotion can help one become immune. This can happen by teaching one’s self what actions can trigger an emotion, how to avoid them, and how to deal with the emotion they are currently under, because they have never been forced to go through all of this trouble. For example, Abraham Lincoln, who underwent clinical depression through his life, was able to kill his depression by practicing his writing skills to himself, which led him to never undergo depression again. Had Lincoln not gained immunity from his depression, he could have never become the extraordinary leader he was, and he would have never led America out of the Civil war, restoring peace to the country. Stress is one of the most difficult emotion to get rid of, due to how common it is and how forceful it may be, but dealing with it once will allow someone, such as an overworked mother, to become intelligent enough to know not to subject to stress. Control over an emotion can allow a kid learning how to deal with the unstableness of the towering piles of homework to have less difficulty with that stress and can assist the student by making the emotion he has witnessed completely hidden from his mind. Unless an emotion is dealt with and it is remembered how to get rid of it, the emotion can come back, like how a bear always returns to his den for hibernation. Therefore, dealing with an emotion can allow a person, ranging from a saddened child to an enraged man in a traffic jam on I-20, to be completely invisible to it and will teach him the proper way of getting rid of that specific emotion. Which can assist in dealing with other emotions that are similar as well.
A student or mother will never be truly happy if he is dealing with an extreme emotion such as depression. In addition, when people begin dealing with stress have been proven to be 50-150% happier than those who were unable to. Happier people often present a better first impression to others, which can allow that person to have a shoulder to lean on if they begin to feel that emotion again, halving the time needed to solve it, if needed. If a student is able to kill off an extreme emotion, he will find true happiness again. This can allow a kid in a new school to become more appealing to the other students, instead of when they are dealing with road rage or extreme sadness in this emotion. When he becomes happy again, he is able to be at a state of peace when it comes to the mind. 85-93% of people admit to being scared of speaking publicly. But what they do not realize is facing this fear and performing it in front of a crowd may allow them to be happy and find a true passion for presenting a motivational speech, an educational speech, or even an inspirational speech.
Whether a person is in the middle of a traffic jam on I-20, or he is forced to live through a majorly depressing event, extreme emotion can occur anywhere and can damage one’s life. Therefore, I believe that Extreme emotions can result from the most simple problem in a person’s life, and it is important to deal with it or else it will constantly stalk it’s prey. Although some emotions may be an acute number of ways to deal with this emotion, knocking it out “for the count” can allow you to gain immunity to it as well as make you happier. And so, dealing with emotions can assist a person with common life problems by making the person forget the problem as well as forgetting the emotion ever existed.
Category ELA Writing Portfolio | Tags: English 1
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